World Lighthouse Day – August 7, 2017

How to Celebrate World Lighthouse Day

Skip out on work today and take a road trip to the nearest lighthouse. Once there, demand to see the lighthouse keeper. You will know him immediately by sight – a tall man with a full, but well-kept beard, a stern face with bright eyes grey like the sea, blue like the sea, fickle like the sea. His eyes are very sea-like is what we’re saying.

Fall in love.

Spend a blissful year together, just you and your lighthouse keeper. Help him with his daily tasks. Read lots of books. Take lots of naps. Go for walks together along the shore. Eat, sleep, and dream together.

Wake one night to find his spot in the bed empty and cold. Call out his name. When he doesn’t answer, pull on your robe and slippers and walk from your living quarters to the lighthouse proper. Call his name again and receive no response. Pad around the building checking every room. Find nothing.

Climb the stairs to the lantern room.

The lantern room is dim and empty – a bad thing for a lighthouse. Where the lantern should be there hangs a single, bare light bulb above an old stone pedestal. On the pedestal rests a shiny red button.

Press the button.

Heads Up – Narrative Days

This is our second entry in our new experiment – Narrative Days.

For the rest of the month, some of our National Days posts will feature an interconnected narrative – a little thread that connects the days. The first of these posts was yesterday – National Fresh Breath Day. You can head on back there to see what came before.

Fair warning: Narrative Days will be intermittently sprinkled throughout the month. We hope you’ll stay tuned to see what happens next!

Links & Learning

All about lighthouses.

Sometimes folks disappear and no one ever knows what happened to them.

Relevant GIFs

Some pretty pictures of lighthouses, plus one weird one.


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